You are invited to join members of The Executive Connection for their next speaker session, led by Tim Levy on The Second Digital Revolution.
How every business can make the most of YouTube, Amazon and the Virtual Reality Revolution.
Just when you thought everything that could change has changed, it's all about to happen again! This workshop takes the audience through a conceptual shift in how they think about digital technology with a focus on how it applies to their businesses. Working as a group, members help each other find new opportunities and incorporate Tim’s cutting-edge tools, processes and mindset into their individual business strategies.
Each participant will have the opportunity to
Assess their business strategy online
Find their video / YouTube opportunity
Explore potential applications of Virtual Reality in their specific businesses
The presentation covers
The Three Axis Model – analyzing traffic, conversion and slate
The Five Traffic Ecosystems – the fundamental pillars of every digital growth strategy
Video and the YouTube Opportunity – the best opportunity today
The Virtual Reality Revolution- the best opportunity to come For further details, please visit
Tim grew up in Sydney Australia where he began his business career with major companies such as Sony, IBM, Lucent, Acer and 3Com, in roles ranging from creative director to strategist.
Today Tim has become a specialist in business strategy, online video, YouTube, and Virtual Reality (VR). He runs a strategic marketing and production agency, with a team of more than thirty people building web sites, social media, YouTube videos, VR content and other traffic generating ecosystems.
In 2018 after seven successful years in the US, he returned to Australia where he is based in Newcastle. He still maintains his office in Austin and his US connections.
Tim has spoken across the USA, Canada and the UK for peak CEO organizations like Vistage (known as TEC in Australia), Conscious Capitalism and Secret Knock. Vistage International themselves hired Tim to be their digital strategist.
Tim has over two decades of experience in digital strategy, content marketing, VR, and the online world. He has authored twelve books and produced three seasons of his own nationally broadcast television show. Recent books include:
The Virtual Reality Revolution
Creativity and Innovation
YouTube Mastery
The Entrepreneurial Handbook
The Google Gamble
The Life Summit
Attendance at TEC meetings is for business leaders only and by invitation and subject to space availability , for this event we welcome Guests who are CEOs or Business Leaders. Please click here and register your interest.
Getting you Roar Back
The world has changed and will continue to do so. Forever changed too is the way we sell: the model is broken and tinkering around the edges isn’t going to take you where you need to go. Find out how we got here, the paradigm shift required from organisations towards their customers and people and what you can do to take action.