Talking about the right things, at the right time, with the right people taking ownership
Talking about the right things, at the right time, with the right people taking ownership .......................
Execution is the combination of simple tools, defined processes, especially meetings, and a great leadership mindset
What tools will you use to ensure your Objectives and Key Results remain a priority? A number of elements of this emerge from the Thought Leaders on Lean and Enterprise Excellence. Tools include Visual boards, dashboards, cockpits. Use of graphs, flags and traffic lights.
Patrick Lencioni in his great book “Death by Meetings” emphasises the importance of meetings to create alignment, but each type of meeting has a clear purpose. In each meeting we have “Flow” - talking about the right things at the right time with the right people taking ownership. Triggers need to be defined in advance to celebrate success and to escalate problems.
Alan Mullaly, the great turnaround CEO at Ford Motor Company captured the concept of “Joyful Accountability” - The idea of someone willingly taking on a challenge. Gino Wickman in Traction talks about “GWC” - The person Gets the role, Wants to do it and Can do it. (Only the last one can be addresses by training)
Join us at the annual Varsity Bowls Challenge for an evening of light-hearted (!) rivalry between Alumni of Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge, Stanford and INSEAD at the Windsor bowls Club
Bowling from 5-6pm. Food at 6.30pm
Come along for the social engagement and get caught up in the bitter rivalry! Team selection on the day and even if no bowling experience you’ll be most welcome!