Shaping Greatness - Going Deeper into Goal Setting
From Vision to Action: The essence of Goals Retreats
Kokorazashi - the "Heart of the Samurai"
Leadership Flow
The journey IS the CEO's story
Outside-In Vision
Too often CEO's share their vision for their business without adequately explaining the Vision for the Industry first, and the role of the business second. This prevents dialogue about intentional strategic choices and limits the awareness of the essential strategic partnerships. CEOs need to explain the Vision "Outside-In"
Re-setting a high performing Peer group
Buckle up for 2022!
One year on from my last commentary on the economic opportunities, I am saying the same thing. We all need to be wary of “green shoots” but we must seize opportunities, which means a very strategic, but agile, approach to business growth. With $17Tn of new money in the global system, continued inflationary pressure will remain, together with uncertainty of supply, shortage of quality employees a continued concern. There are some basic things every business leader must do to thrive in the new economy.
The struggle to be a Visionary
Sometimes it is because their makeup is much more suited to operational management. One solution advocated by Gino Wickman with his EOS approach and covered in the book "Rocket Fuel" is that you need both a "Visionary" and an "integrator" in a business. As much as this helps in some circumstances, it isn't quite as simple as that.
Lessons We've Learned from Speakers over 2020
What was your most important takeaway from the speakers we've had this year?
I've chosen to reflect on a few of the speakers we've welcomed so far in 2020 and highlighted my key learnings from the messages delivered. It is also fascinating to note that despite many of them being on Zoom and in a time of COVID, the messages are timeless.
It is possible you may not have seen all of the below listed speakers of course but worth reflecting on your own notes. What are you implementing in your business or leadership style as a result?
The Buying Journey is changing
While we need to keep our sales process visible, the danger is we focus too much on OUR process. What have we forgotten? As much as we have a sales process, our prospective customers have their own journey.
With COVID this journey for many businesses is changing; it was already and COVID has just accelerated this. What that means is the human interaction is later in the journey and B2B marketing is even more critical
Backing winners - the tell-tale signs
The End of broad based business support is in sight and 2021 looks like it will be a bumpy ride. A year of paradoxes. We will see strong economic growth; at the same time we will see significant business failures and restructuring.
Time to stop supporting all businesses and time to back the winners.
This articles describes what to really look for to identify winners.
A Joined-Up transition to the "other side"
Marketing - the #1 Focus for business leaders over the next six months
You and your team have performed exceptionally well over the last few months. The results speak for themselves.
But its not over yet. Welcome to the Phoney War. This article helps you refocus your business on the immediate and longer term priorities and where you as the business leader need to lend your weight.
Going 100% Virtual in 14 Days
Crafting your Refinancing Story
COVID-19 and the Stockdale Paradox
Jim Collins calls it the Stockdale Paradox, after Admiral James Stockdale, a survivor as a Vietnam prisoner of war. The concept is that you must not confuse faith that you will prevail in the end, which you can never afford to lose, with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be. Just focusing on “survival” is not enough but blind optimism is fatal.
Now our goals retreats are done and dusted really excited about my speaker program for the beginning of the year. Have a read here and also look at the events pages.