You are invited to join members of Vistage for their next speaker session, led by Nick Setchell on “RealTime CEO”
A Fresh Perspective on Whole Business Management with RealTime CEO
RealTime CEO has been delivered to over 900 TEC and Vistage groups in Australia, USA, UK, Canada and New Zealand. Nick Setchell has won multiple awards in the TEC/Vistage community including International Speaker of the Year (Vistage) and Speaker of the year (Vistage Australia)
RealTime CEO aims to influence leadership behaviour to improve numerical results. It is a fresh perspective on ‘whole of business” leadership that enables the CEO to grasp a true understanding of the real position of their business, thereby allowing them to act in real time to challenge and improve their future.
The RealTimeCEO framework establishes a culture that enables the business to combine a strong leadership skillset with powerful strategic planning while using plain English numbers to guarantee better decisions.
When RealTime CEO becomes integral to the business culture, the CEO and leaders are able to:
Implement plain English communication that all parties understand
Harness the significant benefits of thinking as a “passionate contrarian”
Developing leaders of the future as well as managers of today
Determine strengths and weaknesses of business performance
Convert strategies into accountable actions
Manage change to ensure improvement potential is realized.
This session will educate attendees about the RealTime CEO process and provide practical advice for implementing the system within your organisation as well as providing six powerful KPIs that tell you everything you need to know about your business
As a speaker and presenter, Nick has been internationally recognised and awarded the TEC "Mick Robertson Award" and "Speaker of the Year", the Vistage UK "International Speaker of the Year" award and has been recognized by Vistage USA as one of the top 12 speakers from a worldwide pool in excess of 1500.
Nick has held senior executive positions in business management since 1989. For the past 15 years Nick has been running his own consulting practice primarily working with CEO and senior executives.
Vistage members are high-integrity business leaders from a diverse range of industries who meet monthly to support each other and address the challenges of leading in these increasingly uncertain times.
The speaker session is the first part of a monthly all-day meeting and is attended by between 14 and 16 people. During the afternoon, tVistage members continue with their Executive Session. Our speakers are subject experts focused on stimulating active discussion with the group.
Attendance at Vistage meetings is for business leaders only and by invitation and subject to space availability , for this event we welcome Guests who are CEOs or Business Leaders. Please click here and register your interest.
Now our goals retreats are done and dusted really excited about my speaker program for the beginning of the year. Have a read here and also look at the events pages.