You are invited to join members of the Executive Connection for our next speaker session, led by Tim Ferguson on “Raising the Bar”
Raising the Bar
Coming through the last three years, the role of the CEO has been compromised more than ever. Most TEC members have had to roll up their sleeves and help their teams go through immense short term challenges. But just as we always encourage the Business Leader to be “On the Business“ rather than “in” it, that is almost impossible to do until the top team raises its performance.
“Raising the Bar” is specifically designed for our TEC group, is applying the principles of High Performing Teams to our own group.
While we will focus on our own performance, the concepts we use can and will be used by members in working with their own Executive teams,
The main principles include:
Do we have a clearly articulated purpose?
Do we review our performance openly and honest against our purpose?
Are we aligned as a team to ensure we are achieving our purpose in the most effective and efficient manner?
How does the quality of your relationships impact on your teams performance?
Do the members of your team trust and care for each other?
When things get stressful, do your relationships hold up under pressure?
Do we have a framework to improve the quality of our relationships?
Do we openly and honestly discuss our relationships, and actively look to improve them?
Values and Behaviours
Do we have clearly articulated value/behaviours?
Do we live our value/behaviours in the team, or do they live on the walls/posters/strategic plans?
Do we have a framework to review our performance against our values/behaviours?
What behaviours do we know we tolerate that are counter-productive?
Genuine Conversations
Does our team have the conversations it needs to have?
Do we use the language of blame and excuses or do we hear accountability?
Do we have conversations that reward, challenge and support each other on our path of improvement?
Do we take the time to ensure our conversations are the right message, at the right time, in the right place?
Is honest feedback given in your team?
OUR SPEAKER, Tim Ferguson
Tim began his relationship with Leading Teams while in senior management at the Gordon Institute of TAFE in Geelong. He saw first-hand the benefits of the program in his teams and across the organisation.
Tim has been a team member in poor cultures (briefly) and great cultures, and has a very clear understanding of what underlines the difference between the two…quite simply, what leaders are prepared to accept or not. Tim believes success for a client ultimately is a higher performing team and this will generally be a greater weight of numbers pulling in one direction for a common cause. It means the right behaviours will consistently be rewarded and the less desirable ones will be challenged. Through stronger relationships and adherence to an agreed framework, the group will feel safer in having these conversations and in turn their performance will improve.
TEC members are high-integrity business leaders from a diverse range of industries who meet monthly to support each other and address the challenges of leading in these increasingly uncertain times.
The speaker session is the first part of a monthly all-day meeting and is attended by between 14 and 16 people. During the afternoon, the TEC members continue with their Executive Session. Our speakers are subject experts focused on stimulating active discussion with the group.
Attendance at TEC meetings is for business leaders only and by invitation and subject to space availability , please click here and register your interest.
Getting you Roar Back
The world has changed and will continue to do so. Forever changed too is the way we sell: the model is broken and tinkering around the edges isn’t going to take you where you need to go. Find out how we got here, the paradigm shift required from organisations towards their customers and people and what you can do to take action.