As CE44 Start their goals retreat for 2025 we welcome Bodhi Alldridge to help us move :
From Distraction to Presence
As business owners and leaders we are getting more and more information every day. The amount of emails, compliance requests, staff and client challenges means that in these busy times, we often live in distraction. When we’re in distraction, we lose our focus, we experience constant interruptions, we never really finish our tasks or our to do lists.
Imagine the possibility of being more present, to being able to fully complete each task, to have clear and effective communication with your team, your suppliers and your clients and to make better decisions, every time. And this is just the impact on your business, not to mention the impact on your health, your personal life, your families.
IN this Interactive session you will learn
Simple techniques to be more Present
The neuroscience of Distraction vs Presence
What Distraction is actually costing you and your business each day
How to maintain Presence throughout the day
What you will take away
Presence practices you can use each day
Simple tools to help you notice when you’re getting Distracted so that you can remain more Present
Tips and tools to stay more Focussed and in the Flow during the day.
OUR SPEAKER, Bodhi Aldridge
I am a Global Business Coach, facilitator and speaker, passionate about helping business leaders and owners to lead from the inside out.
Trained by renowned teachers in Coaching, Leadership Development, Psychotherapy, Traditional Wisdom and the Art of Presence, I have spent the last 20 years supporting sustainable change in organisations and industries around the world as a Business Coach. More recently, I’ve begun working one-on-one and in smaller groups with business owners and leaders who long for a deeper experience of life...
I draw upon a range of skills developed over 40 years as a lawyer and business owner myself, a father of 4, grandfather of 10 and a husband of 40 years, bringing all of my life experience and personal practice to those I work with.
Through the development of Presence, I empower clients to truly connect with their Purpose and Passion and to experience more freedom, joy and impact, whilst more skillfully navigating the ups and downs of professional and personal life.
Vistage members are high-integrity business leaders from a diverse range of industries who meet monthly to support each other and address the challenges of leading in these increasingly uncertain times.
This session is part of an Annual Goals retreat and is only open to members
Attendance at Vistage meetings is for business leaders only and by invitation and subject to space availability , please click here and register your interest.
Now our goals retreats are done and dusted really excited about my speaker program for the beginning of the year. Have a read here and also look at the events pages.