You are invited to join members of The Executive Connection for their next speaker session, led by Ben Shapiro, Professional EOS® Implementer.
THE TOPIC, “Get Traction!”
What the hell is EOS? A real life experience.
Based on the books by Gino Wickman, ‘Traction” and “Get a Grip” EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) is a simple but powerful model to ensure Vision is translated into Action. For those familiar with the Scaling Up work of Verne Harnish, the books of Jim Collins and the Organisational Health concepts of Patrick Lencioni, this workshop will show how EOS blends some of these concepts in a simple but effective model.
Hear from a serial entrepreneur the power of using EOS in your business. This session will provide a “Been There, Done That” perspective of why Ben is such a powerful advocate of the model. In particular the system provides simple elements of role clarity, accountability, issue processing and, of course, “Traction”
I have asked Ben to share with us an overview of the model with a deeper dive on one of the core elements the “Level 10 Weekly Meeting”
Main Elements of EOS - see website for more details
OUR SPEAKER, Ben Shapiro
As a Professional EOS® Implementer, Ben Shapiro has over 25 years’ experience co-founding, building and selling multiple professional services firms in a range of industries including Technology, Marketing, Management Consulting, Telecommunications and Property.
After wrestling with the trial-and-error of building businesses his whole life, he has seen first-hand how the power of a 90-day rhythm and a cohesive leadership team can help unlock the value for owners and shareholders in their businesses.
Attendance at TEC meetings is for business leaders only and by invitation and subject to space availability , for this event we welcome Guests who are CEOs or Business Leaders. Please click here and register your interest.
Getting you Roar Back
The world has changed and will continue to do so. Forever changed too is the way we sell: the model is broken and tinkering around the edges isn’t going to take you where you need to go. Find out how we got here, the paradigm shift required from organisations towards their customers and people and what you can do to take action.