Be prepared to experience an award-winning presentation that will propel you to higher levels of personal and professional development. Based on organisational, family and personal core values Jay’s shares his insight to develop a character blueprint for your future success and life balance.
Accountability, integrity, personal honesty, professionalism, forgiveness and self-respect are several of the principles that will be integrated within the content of the presentation. You will learn to apply the power of vulnerability, humility and transparency within your leadership style to enhance team communication and trust.
Awarded 2017 Vistage International Speaker of the Year, Jay’s genuine passion and authentic style will elevate you to a greater level of personal understanding, and a more fulfilling career and life.
Getting you Roar Back
The world has changed and will continue to do so. Forever changed too is the way we sell: the model is broken and tinkering around the edges isn’t going to take you where you need to go. Find out how we got here, the paradigm shift required from organisations towards their customers and people and what you can do to take action.