You are invited to join members of The Executive Connection for their next speaker session, led by Kerryn Newton on The CEO and the Board.
TEC members are the senior executive officers in an organisation. That said, they still are accountable - if not to other shareholders and their families, to themselves. The main questions are:
Why have a board? What value could it bring to your company and you as a CEO?
For companies that have a board, how can you maximise the value of the board in pursuit of the company’s strategic objectives?
For those TEC members interested in being a non-executive director, what are some of the considerations?
Kerryn Newton, Managing Director of Directors Australia, will lead the group through these questions and we will discuss the specific board, governance and execution issues experienced by members.
About Kerryn Newton
Managing Director
Kerryn advises a wide range of businesses on how to improve board and organisational performance through strategy, board and governance structures, board composition, and governance systems and practices.
She has over 25 years' experience working in various legal, management and commercial roles in the private and public sectors, and as a consultant working across the private, public, non-profit and community sectors in an extensive range of industries. Through her various professional roles, memberships and networks, Kerryn maintains a high level, working knowledge of best practice and developments in strategy and corporate governance.
Kerryn's consulting advice is enhanced by her extensive personal experience as a director on the boards of private, public sector and not-for-profit companies in diverse industries including aged care, education, child care, energy, property and housing. She was also a Commissioner of the former Queensland Liquor and Gaming Commission. Kerryn is currently a director of Energy Queensland Ltd, a Queensland Government Owned Corporation with an asset base of $25B, having served on the board of its subsidiary, Energex Ltd, for eight years.
Kerryn has Masters qualifications in Law, Business Administration and Arts (International Studies). She also holds a Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment from the Securities Institute of Australia, as well as being a graduate, Fellow and accredited facilitator of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Kerryn is a regular media commentator and speaker on board and governance-related topics.
Attendance at TEC meetings is for business leaders only and by invitation and subject to space availability, please click here and register your interest.
Getting you Roar Back
The world has changed and will continue to do so. Forever changed too is the way we sell: the model is broken and tinkering around the edges isn’t going to take you where you need to go. Find out how we got here, the paradigm shift required from organisations towards their customers and people and what you can do to take action.