This year TEC 35 and TEC 44 celebrate the end of another tumultuous year with an expert session with Dr Toby Ford asking the question “Is your health an asset or corroding liability to your business performance?”
The leader’s wellbeing and its impact on work performance is a key ingredient into business success.
Around this time of the year, TEC members will be setting goals for the new year. This session provides impetus to address the key ingredient into business success, which is your own wellbeing and its impact on work performance and prosperity.
COVID has disrupted most enterprise positively or negatively. However, the discretionary effort, innovation, and ingenuity by the workforce is the cornerstones of recovery and advancement of any business. The impetus to achieve these starts at the top with those who are leading recovery, setting the tone and example for the workforce to follow and emulate.
About 25% of workers have experienced negative mental health problems in the last 2 years, so what is your strategy for stimulating positive mental wellbeing of the 75% who are the engine room of recovery?
Toby is founder and CEO of, Ford Health. He is a well-known medical practitioner in workplace health services. With 30 years of experience, Ford Health has nimbly managed its own pathway to success by reading trends in workplace culture, morale, and performance.
COVID has provided Toby and his team with an amazing opportunity to repackage long-standing principles of health care, embrace technology through telehealth, and reach new clients within Australia and offshore.
Learn more about Ford Health and services for business.
TEC members are high-integrity business leaders from a diverse range of industries who meet monthly to support each other and address the challenges of leading in these increasingly uncertain times.
Our speakers are subject experts focused on stimulating active discussion with the group.
Attendance at TEC meetings is for business leaders only and by invitation and subject to space availability , please click here and register your interest.
Getting you Roar Back
The world has changed and will continue to do so. Forever changed too is the way we sell: the model is broken and tinkering around the edges isn’t going to take you where you need to go. Find out how we got here, the paradigm shift required from organisations towards their customers and people and what you can do to take action.