You are invited to join members of the Executive Connection for our next speaker session, led by brad Church on “The Art of Creating an Inspiring Financial Strategy” Note this is a members (and partners) retreat, prior commitment to membership is required.
What Does Money Mean to you? The Art of Creating an Inspiring Financial Strategy
The Art of Creating an Inspiring Financial Strategy is a hands-on workshop designed to inspire attendees to create a vision for their life that takes them beyond their current thinking of what is possible.
Using tools such as the Financial Road Map and Quality of Life Enhancer Exercise, attendees begin connecting their new vision with tangible goals and implementable actions, so that they can immediately begin making progress toward their ideal life.
The workshop is not designed to give attendees detail on specific financial or investment strategies. Instead, it focuses on the things you should do before decisions on strategy are made.
The workshop is structured in the following modules
Start with the end in mind: A facilitated exercise where attendees create a vision for the ideal life.
Get on the path to being financially successful: An exercise that can be completed as individuals or pairs, where each attendee begins documenting their Financial Road Map.
Give yourself the highest probability for success: Introduces the concept of a lifelong implementation plan.
Put your entire financial house in perfect order: Introduces the concept of financial organisation and the eight critical financial reports.
Have a well coordinated team of experts: An exercise where each attendee documents their team of financial professionals in an organisational chart.
Only do what only you can do: An exercise where each attendee completes the Quality of Life Enhancer Exercise. This is a unique process which helps attendees prioritise their action list based on what’s really important to them in life.
Take Home Value
Attendees will take away from the workshop the book Values Based Financial Planning by Bill Bachrach, their own My Personal Financial Strategy workbook and most importantly, a set of prioritised actions that they are truly inspired to implement.
OUR SPEAKER, Brad Church
Brad has been a member of TEC since 2004.
Brad Church is a trusted adviser to financially successful people. He is the Chief Executive of Goodman private wealth advisers, a privately owned firm that works closely with a small number of like-minded clients, to help them keep their entire financial house in perfect order.
Ranked in the top 50 financial planners Australia-wide by Personal Investor Magazine, Brad has also lead Goodman private wealth advisers to receive recognition in the Asset Innovation Awards and the Family Business Australia awards.
Brad’s educational qualifications include a Bachelor of Business in Banking and Finance, a Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning and the Certified Financial Planner professional education program.
Brad is passionate about redefining what financial planning really means. He has advocated best practice ideas in numerous industry publications. He is also a past lecturer of the Securities Institute of Australia and Kaplan Professional.
Through his business leader workshops, Brad now gives some of his time and expertise to empower people to live their life on purpose.
TEC members are high-integrity business leaders from a diverse range of industries who meet monthly to support each other and address the challenges of leading in these increasingly uncertain times.
Speaker sessions are usually the first part of a monthly all-day meeting and is attended by between 14 and 16 people. Our speakers are subject experts focused on stimulating active discussion with the group. Partners retreats occur on an annual basis designed to honour our mission “To increase the effectiveness and enhance the lives of business leaders”
Attendance at TEC meetings is for business leaders only and by invitation and subject to space availability , please click here and register your interest.
Getting you Roar Back
The world has changed and will continue to do so. Forever changed too is the way we sell: the model is broken and tinkering around the edges isn’t going to take you where you need to go. Find out how we got here, the paradigm shift required from organisations towards their customers and people and what you can do to take action.