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Financial Literacy for Senior Executives with Dr John Sing

  • Host Elaine Chew, Norbar Australia Calumvale Hotel, 678 Compton Road Calamvale, QLD, 4116 Australia (map)

You are invited to join members of Vistage for their next speaker session, led by Dr John Sing on “Financial Literacy for Senior Executives


While many Senior Executives profess to financial literacy, often they can feel uncomfortable in their dialogue with their financial team and accountants.  This session is designed to ensure Senior Executives are comfortable with the numbers, understand the key drivers of their business and the businesses they deal and to be able to use the financial information to assist in making informed decisions.

The session is structured to lead members through a case study that explores the common misunderstandings and myths about the complexity of financial statements and the underpinning accounting principles. The session incorporates extensive Q& A opportunities and for members to also review and discuss their own financial issues.  

The specific key outcomes for attendees are to:

  • Consider underpinning accounting principles & assumptions.

  • Enhance confidence in reading and interpreting financial information.

  • Examine the relationships between the key financial statements (i.e. balance sheet, income statement, & cash flow statement).

  • Explain how the information contained in the financial reports can be analysed and interpreted to enable informed decision making.

  • Examine specific financial statements and also analyse and assess financial performance. 

  • Identify other tools and techniques used to measure and assess financial performance.

  • Examine the purpose and nature of key financial and non-financial performance indicators.


As a Company Director and Adjunct Associate Professor, John has many years in both industry and academia.  Prior to establishing his own consulting and professional development training company, John worked for over 6 years as Chief Financial Officer within the Queensland Public Sector where he was responsible for leading and implementing the Government’s financial and economic reform agenda.  This included overseeing the organisations transition from cash based to accrual accounting, financial reporting in accordance with international accounting standards and management reporting to the CEO and governing board of directors.

John has conducted numerous management, leadership, risk, financial and project management related courses for both private and public sector organisations globally and continues to be involved in the development and delivery of specialised governance for directors, project management, finance, financial accounting and risk management programs in Australia and around the world.  He is accredited by the AICD and has delivered with the highest accolades the Finance Module of the AICD Company Director’s Course.

Vistage members are high-integrity business leaders from a diverse range of industries who meet monthly to support each other and address the challenges of leading in these increasingly uncertain times.

The speaker session is the first part of a monthly all-day meeting and is attended by between 14 and 16 people. During the afternoon, tVistage members continue with their Executive Session. Our speakers are subject experts focused on stimulating active discussion with the group.

Attendance at Vistage meetings is for business leaders only and by invitation and subject to space availability , for this event we welcome Guests who are CEOs or Business Leaders. Please click here and register your interest