You are invited to join members of The Executive Connection for their next speaker session, led by Maja Palenka, TEC speaker on Flexible working and the future working environment
THE TOPIC, Flexible working - Optimising the Present and Cultivating the Future
Work environments, organisational structures and the motivations behind work have transformed. Leaders of the future will need to shift their focus to adapt to this changing environment.
The last five years has seen the ‘Future of Work’ become a topic of intense focus and speculation in the business world. and the last few weeks have created an intense debate about what will remain “after we return to normal”. It is more important than ever today, at a time where we may have been thrown into the future of work a little sooner than expected, and through this workshop Maja will help to navigate the short term optimisation as well as the longer term plan for building back better.
There will be a review of the current environment with tactical tips on what is needed for teams to thrive in this new working environment.
Principal workshop themes:
A review of the skills and capabilities that we are building now and how we capture them for moving into the future
The silver linings of this new way of working, what are the building back better initiatives that will be focused on in the future
What we expect to see over the next 5 to 10 years, the trends that might impact your business and understand the structures needed for the future
Uncover, challenge and explore mindsets and biases that are hold us all back in taking on the new ways of working
Understand how moving to flexible and agile work practices can help build the organisational capability you need
Looking at the right now in terms of the engagement of teams and creating the right culture
Redesigning of work to suit the new working environment
Explore the structures and the leadership style that will be needed in the new working environment
How to keep control with the new mode of managing remotely and setting the right expectations to maximise success.
OUR SPEAKER, Maja Paleka
Maja Paleka is the co-founder and director of Juggle Strategies - an Australian consultancy that specialises in the capability and leadership development, as well as implementation of flexible working practices. She has over 15 years experience in leadership roles across a variety of areas - engineering, operations and sales gained working in Canada, UK and now Australia across the APAC region.
Since 2016 Maja has been advising executive teams on how they can take advantage of business and people benefits of flexible and agile working, and helping them devise a strategy that is tailored to their organisation. From there she has coached teams on the right infrastructure needed to support the change, as well as delivered and facilitated training programs for their front line leaders and staff.
Maja was a contributor and a TEC partner in the preparation of the Future is Now white paper released at the end of 2018. She has also presented and co-facilitated a discussion of the NSW Chair community on the Future of Work.
Initially qualified as an electrical engineer, Maja has gained extensive experience and training in change management and leadership most notably through her career, but also through institutions like the AGSM. She was the recipient of the James E Layt award given by the Australian Institute of Management. She is passionate about STEAM and volunteers with Engineers Without Borders Australia.
Even though she will never lose the Canadian accent, Maja calls the Northern Beaches of Sydney her home where she lives with her family.
Attendance at TEC meetings is for business leaders only and by invitation and subject to space availability , for this event we welcome Guests who are CEOs or Business Leaders. Please click here and register your interest.
Getting you Roar Back
The world has changed and will continue to do so. Forever changed too is the way we sell: the model is broken and tinkering around the edges isn’t going to take you where you need to go. Find out how we got here, the paradigm shift required from organisations towards their customers and people and what you can do to take action.