This Kokorozashi character represents the alignment of the 'big picture' vision, with action from the ground up. The character is built from two parts. The upper part signifies a Samurai or ‘virtuous person’ giving us vision, purpose, intent and ambition - the characteristics of great leaders. The lower signifies the 'heart and mind', giving us the values, engagement and the grounding required for real action.
When you combine these two elements in your business model, the everyday begins to work towards the vision. Forming the perfect alignment of intent and action. This is the aim of Joined-Up – to create, inspire and lead business owners through the journey of alignment in all aspects of operations to achieve their vision.
Its Time for Action
Implementation of AI in increasing productivity of your core business processes. This workshop is designed to give you confidence to launch initiatives harnessing AI which will give you order of magnitude improvement in performance, reducing time, minimising the human involvement in repetitive tasks and focusing on added value.